Making any moves in the sphere of cryptocurrency can often feel like walking on thin ice. So many investors who expect significant results by pooling money into a particular digital currency and using strategies to earn more, end up far from satisfied. That’s why everyone who wants to try out fate and buy cryptocurrency should first consider their own risk and tolerance so as not to grumble later.
Still, there is also a good side to the medal – in some places, crypto purchasing and selling is safer and quicker than in others. This article uncovers them for you.
Access to more than 3,870 coins, exchanging coins right away without the need to set up an account and verify personality first, SmartRate technology to let you define perfect rates, and no exchange limits – all are offered by LetsExchange.
Additionally, choose fixed or floating rates. In the first case, you get the exact amount displayed in the widget before you convert. The second implies a traditional exchange where rates tend to change. Due to the full automation of trades, they take place in a blink while the results arrive in some time, depending on a coin’s network speed.
LetsExchange is also a non-custodial instant crypto exchange, which means it doesn’t set control over users’ funds. It is also one of the most democratically priced services, with no fund withdrawal and exchange processing fees.
2. ChangeNOW.
If you are looking to convert without registration and logging in every time, the platform is right for you. It offers no upper limits, breakdowns so far, lightning-fast client support, and fast transactions lasting up to several minutes. Five minutes is the average time of transaction completion. In some cases, you may still need to complete KYC verification to get started.
3. SwapSpace.
Another place to kickstart your exchanges, wasting no time. Here, you will find nearly 1,600 coins and tokens with the chance to go for fixed or floating rates and fast, 24/7 support and guidance through exchanges through an intuitively simple interface. One of the most recent updates is collections of NFTs that are now available. At the starting stages, many collections are accessed through airdrop.
4. Exolix.
At the most profitable rates, nearly 400 digital coins at Exolix make it an excellent place to acquire your coins. Anonymous trades, with users not having to provide any sensitive info, transparent processes, and, above all, affordable exchanges, is the complete list of benefits that makes it stand out from other similar online services. Make trades either on the run or with careful consideration, and you won’t have to wait more than 30 minutes.
5. Godex.
The platform’s keyword is ‘Unlimited’, and it really reflects its principle. No higher limits for exchange amounts, low fees, trading completely incognito, and the possibility to fix the desired rate and exchange in the same minute make it an ally for crypto operations. Perhaps the only thing making Godex inferior to some of its counterparts is providing only nearly 300 coins.
Still, this fast-growing platform invests in its technological increase, and we can expect more tokens to be added over time.
If you are desperate to save time and simultaneously cut the costs for exchange, keep an eye on the platforms described above. These are tried and true when it comes to finding great trading opportunities plus anonymity when making, for instance, a BNB to BTC convert. They will not let you down in case you are in a hurry or want to seize the moment of the best rate for exchanging a specific currency pair.